Working with You
We offer a versatile approach adapted to your needs but focused around four key enablers:
Strategic relationships, peer support and developing collaborations:
Adding value by developing strategic relationships
Spotting and developing links between complementary activities
Linking networks to enhance project impact
Providing peer learning opportunities including Action Learning facilitation
Full service support for funding organisations and for those seeking funding:
Grant making strategy development
Operational and financial management process design and implementation for funded programmes
Providing "funds plus" support for recipient
Funding options review
Bid writing support
Bringing fresh perspective, strategic focus and questioning approach including:
Brief diagnostics and action plans on Organisational Strengths, Income Generation Strategy, Governance and Financial Health
Support with Strategy and Business Plan Development
Mentoring and coaching for leaders starting and developing enterprises
Impact planning, management and review
Project and Service Evaluation and forward planning
Projects that free up you and your team's time to focus on the things that matter:​
Providing interim support as a "right hand" for stretched senior teams
Adding capacity to develop and manage strategic change projects
Reviewing processes and procedures to remove blocks and create efficiencies